Next Generation

Link Monetisation

We give your traffic more value. Maximise your URL shortening revenue with Clks, the creme de la creme of URL shorteners.

Top URL Shortener of 2024

Top Revenue Growth Opportunities

The average URL shortener doesn't fit everybody. We're not average. You choose the number of steps, the ad setup, and we optimize the rest.

What We Do Best

We're AdTech experts. Our pages are optimized to the fullest, and allow us to offer the absolute best payout rates for all of our customers.

We love freedom. Whether you want to maximise user experience or revenues, it's always your choice. Just check out our dashboard!

Invite your friends, colleagues or partners by spreading the word about our great service & get rewarded with up to 20% in lifetime affiliate revenue!

The most advanced anti-proxy and anti-bypass solutions in the industry? A top-of-the-line customisable API? Only at Clks. We strive to offer solely the best features to our partners.




Pages to Check Out